Travel Guides to Canada


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stone, leather and wood. Or invite the whole family to stay in a longhouse, the First Nations symbol of family, hospitality and the legendary welcome of Indigenous Peoples worldwide. This option encourages visitors to experience the myths and legends, to taste the traditional bread (bannock), have a fire keeper tend the embers as well as your dreams throughout the night, plus you'll have a regular room in the hotel for modern conveniences, and breakfast the next day at La Traite restaurant ( ). MARITIMES Mi'kmaq powwows on Prince Edward Island's Lennox Island ignite in late July; the hungry crowds go to the Aboriginal Food Festival ( The Indian Art & Craft store makes its home on the peaceful shores of famous Malpeque Bay. Across this bay in Nova Scotia, elders share stories about creation at the Wagmatcook Culture and Heritage Centre ( ). Listen to their ancient tales teaching how to live properly, how animals interact with the elements, and details about powerful ceremonial tools of their society—like the medicine wheel. Less than two hours from Halifax, view petroglyphs created by the Mi'kmaq First Nations People in the 18 th and 19 th centuries at Kejimkujik National Park, where it is also possible to camp out under the stars ( ). New Brunswick calls everyone interest- ed in attending powwows to a full seasonal menu of options, from St. Mary's First Nation Powwow which takes place June 16 to 18 at the Devon Indian Reserve #24, to the Pabineau First Nation Powwow at the new Flying Eagle Memorial Powwow Grounds during the first weekend of July, or the Eel Ground First Nation Powwow in mid-July ( ). Newfoundland and Labrador summon outdoor adventurers to their majestic Torngat Mountains Inuit-led Base Camp experience, immersing participants in the culture of this dreamy geography and giving access to stunning wildlife viewing. The highest peaks in Canada east of the Rockies frame a magical mix of ords, rivers, flood plains, and coastal wilderness. There is no place on the planet like the Torngat Mountains and the Base Camp trek is a classic one-of-a-kind memory for travellers ( ). NORTH The Yukon's Whitehorse waterfront is the site for this year's Adäka Cultural Festival held at the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre from June 30 to July 6 ( www.kwanlindun This popular event mixes traditional and contemporary musical performers and creative artists from local First Nations tribes, as well as guests from Alaska, Greenland, B.C. and Northwest Territories. The mélange of entertainment, together with unique workshops and handmade crafts—imbued with the infectious Yukon spirit—guarantees visitors memorable fun ( If Nunavut and the Canadian Arctic are on your bucket list, contact Adventure Canada for access to Canada's northern passages aboard a cruise ship ( www. ). Follow whales, seals and narwhals in small Zodiac boats up close, photograph endangered polar bears, or bask in the other-worldliness of the aurora borealis in the comfort of your ship. 48

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