Travel Guides to Canada


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Want to join in the fun? One of the best opportunities will be on Canada Day, July 1, when communities large and small will celebrate with fi reworks, concerts and more. Here are just a few of the many, many other ways to enjoy Canada's big birthday party throughout 2017. GREAT PERFORMANCES In Toronto, the TIFF Bell Lightbox—head- quarters of the Toronto International Film Festival—is running a free program of Canadian movies all year long ( www.tiff . net). Movie buff s can also check out National Canadian Film Day 150 on April 19, when more than 600 screenings of Canadian movies will take place nation- wide (www.canadianfi North: A Pan-Territorial Celebration— mid-October to mid-November—will be a series of events featuring performers, artists, and Dene, Inuit and Arctic athletes from the Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut ( ). The Toronto Symphony Orchestra is co- ordinating with some 40 ensembles across the country to produce Canada Mosaic, a year-long series of performances of Canadian compositions ( canadamosaic.tso. ca). Also for classical music fans, the National Youth Orchestra will stop in 12 cities across the country to perform new works during The Edges of Canada Tour, July 20 to August 15. In select cities, the orchestra will perform with Native Canadian artists or the National Youth Choir ( =en_CA&). GOOD EXERCISE Several regions are celebrating the country's anniversary with epic running events. For instance, Manitoba's Canada 150 Ultramarathon on Canada Day winds through 241 km (150 mi.) of forests and hills in the Canadian Shield ( www.canada, and the Scotiabank Calgary Marathon—May 25 to 28—is running This year marks Canada's 150 th anniversary, and Canadians are using the occasion as the spring- board for a dizzying array of celebrations and art projects. The commemorations range from Sky Lounge, a dinner party on a platform suspended 46 m (150 ft.) above the nation's capital, to a tall ships regatta that will visit six provinces. CANADA 150 : CELEBRATING A NATION BY LAURA BYRNE PAQUET SKY LOUNGE • OTTAWA CELEBRATIONS BUREAU 16

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