Travel Guides to Canada

2022-23 Travel Guide to Canada

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18 1 20,000 SHADES OF GREY: BRITISH COLUMBIA In some places, red-breasted robins announce the arrival of spring. On the western shore of Vancouver Island, it's the return of the grey whales—some 20,000 of which swim by as they make the 8,000-km (4,970-mi.) trip from the balmy breeding lagoons of Mexico to feeding grounds up north. Whale watching boats depart from towns like Ucluelet and Tofino. But since the massive mammals follow the coast closely, you can also observe them without leaving land. The peak viewing time in Pacific Rim National Park Reserve is from March through May ( 13 Reasons Why Canada Rocks BY SUSAN MACCALLUM-WHITCOMB ICE HOTEL, QC • DESTINATION CANADA Canada, being the world's second largest country, covers a lot of ground. So its far-flung boundaries encompass many differences in terms of geography and culture. One thing, however, remains constant: wherever you go in this vast land, you're sure to find something remarkable. Here are 13 of the reasons why Canada rocks.

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